

別名:Number Room Escape, Aquarium Room Escape, Living Room Escape, Hostel Room Escape, Office Room Escape, Automated Room Escape, Alphabets Room Escape, Crazy Machine Escape, 逃出萬聖節骷髏房, Christmas Gift Escape, Christmas Eve Escape, Santaclaus Boy Escape, House Arrest Escape, The Village Escape -Part2, Treasure Hunter Escape - 1, Treasure Hunter Escape I-Pirate, Biology Lab Escape, Ancient Ship Escape, Escape From Terrorist, Halloween Escape, Thanksgiving Escape, Cottage Escape, Turkey Escape, Museum Escape, Baby Escape, Village Escape Part - 2, Kitchen Escape, Bomb Escape - 2, Art Class Escape, Kidnap Escape, Classroom Escape, Gym Escape, 寶物達人逃出海盜船, 逃出健身房, Find the Difference Game Play-3, Find the Difference Gameplay-2, Find the Difference Game Play-1, 逃離聖誕節教堂, 感恩節火雞逃出, 逃出歷史博物館, Find the Difference 5, Find the Difference-4, Find the Difference - 7, Find the Difference 3, Find the Difference-5, 字母的房間, 逃出水族館, 感恩節房間, 逃離美術畫室, 逃離金字塔, 逃出辦公室, 逃出客廳, 逃出賓館, 萬聖節南瓜燈房, 瘋狂機器房間, 八字形房間, 軟禁的房間, 烤甜點做聖誕禮物, 進入寶寶的房子, Find The Difference, 炸彈房間2, Find Difference 4, 自動化房間, 營養美味鮮湯店, 古代船逃生, 經營印度果汁店, 美味三明治小店, 聖誕禮物屋, 拯救災民逃離村莊2, Indian Juice Shop, 經營太妃糖小店, Indian Corn Shop, Halloween Pumpkin Room, Flower Bouquet Shop, 完美女孩生活找碴, 美人魚海底世界, 印度海灘賣烤玉米, 經營花店, 海邊的童年, 高壓鍋廚房, Soup Shop, Sandwich Shop, Toffee Shop, Pizza Shop, 海灘賣烤魚, 美食機器, 渡假磚房, Cheese Soup Machine, 生物實驗室, Eight Digit Room, 獅子王的童年, 春節家宴招待客人, 車載路邊速食店, Christmas Sugar Cookies, 水上旅館餐廳, 小學教室, 胡夫金字塔, 水果蛋糕坊, Food Machine, Cake Machine, 調皮男孩考試做弊, 甜曲奇餅小廚師, 模擬蛋糕生產線, 做油炸糕, 奶酪湯機器, 數字屋, Christmas Gift, 冰淇淋小屋, Ice Cream Serve Up, Boat House Hotel, 痛扁萬人迷, 被恐怖分子綁架, 恐怖囚塔, 比薩店打工, 環球旅遊找碴, Deep Fried Bread, Kiddy Boy, 按菜譜做漢堡, Roadside Fastfood, Burger Point, Guest Feast, 不給蜜蜂吃花蜜, PYRAMID ESCAPE, Save Honey, 阿拉丁秘窟尋寶, Fruit Frosting, Defame Johnny, Fish Fry, Cookies Mission, Bomb Ecape - 2
  1. http://www.gameso.cc/game/1517.html
  2. http://www.123bee.com/play/escape-terrorist
  3. http://www.gameso.cc/game/2966.html


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